Pahiyas Festival
Write if the stament is TRUE. Else, change the underlined word to make the sentence correct.
____1. Visual Arts are art forms that are primarily visual in nature.
____2. Space pertains to the use of hue in artwork and design.
____3. The texture is the quality of a surface, often corresponding to its tactile quality, sensed by touching.
____4. Contrast is created using complementary colors or extremely light and dark values.
____5. Balance is indicating movement by repetition of elements.

Started in the 16th century and celebrated every 15th of May, this festival is an event of this community iin honor of San Isidro Labrador for good harvest. The Pahiyas is not Pahiyas without the KIPING, the colorful leaf like wafers hung in every home along the route of the procession. It is the kiping that makes the Pahiyas so colorful making every visitor gaze in awe at the scene of the long line of houses decorated with kiping in all sorts of sizes, shapes and style.
Kiping is made of rice, thus it is edible when fried or grilled. Food coloring is mixed to produce different colors. After the festival, the kipings are processed to become chips.
Journey towards MAPEH Gr7, UNIT 4, p163
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